Jun 1, 2023Liked by Melinda Wenner Moyer

I did that same noodle pack! And also ate some ;)

This year I am thinking self care over objects so maybe a gift card for Thai Body work at the Salt Room or a class pack for Cross Fit. Something that’s not a thing and gets him out of the house for some solo time.

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Haha that's so funny! Great minds. :) I also love the idea of giving experiences rather than things. Those are excellent ideas!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Melinda Wenner Moyer

Funny, the email that hit my inbox immediately after this was a Wirecutter best last-minute Father's Day gifts list.

If we did Father's Day at all, I would definitely go for foods or experiences. If I want to get my husband an impromptu gift I'll usually head to the spice store (https://curiospice.com/) or the cocktail supply shop (https://www.thebostonshaker.com/). Bitters and syrups are always a big hit.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Melinda Wenner Moyer

Last year I got my husband some stuff from The School of Life. One was a set of conversation cards for families and it's fun to answer the questions around meals. My husband is a big reader and this was a great fit for him! https://www.theschooloflife.com/shop/100-questions-family-edition/

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That's so cool! thanks!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Melinda Wenner Moyer

I like to get my husband two tickets to a band he likes or a basketball game, and he goes with a friend. He’s not great at staying in contact with his friends, so this is a nice opportunity.

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I agree with this Anne! A gift that he can do with a friend but I would also suggest small experiences that he can do with the kids. What about also asking each of the kids what they would like to do with dad and having them draw a picture or write a certificate (what ever is developmentally appropriate for them) and give it to him. This way he has a visual gift to hang onto and an experience later in the summer or fall.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Melinda Wenner Moyer

If the Momofuku noodles were a hit, try some of the other noodles that A-Sha makes - you can buy the Momofuku noodles directly from their website and try their other flavors and noodle types. I like the texture of the UNIVERSTAR meteor noodles, and my husband likes their ghost pepper sauce.

My husband carries his water bottle everywhere, so for Father's Day kiddo picked out some YETI drinkware with my husband's college and grad school logos. We also bought accessories (caps, straw adapters) and stickers for decorating his water bottle.

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oooh thank you, will try!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Melinda Wenner Moyer

Last year I got my husband a box of jams from welovejam.com (he eats toast every morning) and it was a big hit. The flavors are delicious!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Melinda Wenner Moyer

We usually try to do DIY gifts or stuff the kids have a hand in. Last year I went to a pottery store and got a kit to have my kids decorate a mug (I did hand prints and words), then brought it back to get fired. This year I think I’ll try to do something else with handprints, but on canvas and turn it into a picture of my husbands hobby so he can hang it in his office.

I remember as I got older, I’d make my parents things from clay or other more advanced projects, but my kids are only in preschool so we’re not there yet! Maybe a Lego set for the kids to do with their dad (or not?) will also be on the list for the future.

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That mug idea is so lovely!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Melinda Wenner Moyer

I have thoughts on Father’s Day cards for ex husbands, dads who have dropped the ball, and your own dad if they are not, in fact, The #1 Dad and yet you want to give a card.

Ideally the card says only “It’s Father’s Day!” but “Happy Father’s Day!” will do. You can write one small true thing inside, like “Thanks for being the kind of dad who makes sure our kids can identify a woodpecker by sound.”

If you can find a really pretty blank card (nature scene, those popup cards, etc) then just write a huge “Happy Father’s Day!” and let the youngest child color inside it.

I also once saw a card that just said “Who has the best lawn? YOU DO!” and as an anti-lawn meadowfication kind of person I chortled.

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LOLOLOL omg I love all of this.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Melinda Wenner Moyer

Favorite gift in our household for mother's/ Father's day is Alone Time. On mother's day my husband took our kid to go visit his mom for the weekend and I puttered around my house by myself and it was amazing. We are going to all be out of town this year, but I plan to o do this for him another time.

Another idea I hope to do is bake him a pie (his favorite thing)

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Yesssss alone time is the best gift!!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Melinda Wenner Moyer

I gifted my husband togarashi from igourmet.com and it’s become a staple condiment in our house. Another thing to think about is, what does he keep borrowing from other folks in your household? One of my most successful gifts to him was a water bottle for his side of the bed - because he kept asking for sips from mine!

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Such a great idea to consider what he borrows!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Melinda Wenner Moyer

Last year I asked our kid to draw a picture of her and Dada. Then I had it engraved on a metal travel mug, colour of our kid's choosing. It turned out so well that I am still a little jealous, plus he actually really needed a new travel mug.

Another year I got them similar hats. His is camo and kid's is green but they have the same bear logo. She calls it her Dada hat and loves when they wear them together.

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That travel mug idea is brilliant!!!!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Melinda Wenner Moyer

I maintain a pretty extensive Amazon wish list of books and my wife and kids usually get me something from that. But I love to read and those are the best gifts for me. The more important part to me though, I will usually smoke a brisket, ribs, or something else and we share the day together, sans distractions, and enjoy some good food.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Melinda Wenner Moyer

My husband also keeps a book list and a vinyl records list he wants and I love getting him things from that! Usually things I can also read when he’s done 😂

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Vinyl is so great. If you like the music too it’s something you get to enjoy with him.

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Wish lists are SO HELPFUL. I applaud everyone who keeps (and updates!!!) one.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Melinda Wenner Moyer

I LOVE doing an acrylic cutout of a cute photo of the kids. I’ve gifted this to so many people and they love it. ZtfhfLA7TQWXlk5U5adKyxdf760bJA7FKmTF0la3TT75wN1SqQMICDPtxoCCUYQAvD

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Dad here. Feel funny to post this (mainly because my wife is a subscriber) but I asked for one thing: a kitchen bench scraper (so I don’t continue to damage my kitchen knives).

But I wouldn’t be mad if I got these (black/size 9.5): https://www.oofos.com/collections/mens-shoes/products/mens-oomg-sport-low-shoe-white-black

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