Thank you for covering this topic! As a psychologist, I often see this in the neurodiverse population and we also have no evidence that cutting particular foods improves symptoms for these children

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This is a great post! Science-based, expert interviews, anecdotal experience (yours) -- the kind of thing that once upon a time (not so very long ago) was found in parenting magazines. (And writers were paid well to write). We need more of this kind of information in the world!

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thank you!

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Melinda Wenner Moyer

Wow, this is all really good to know, especially as I've seen these tests and filed them away for future reference if needed! I wonder if, in your research, you came across anything on FODMAPs and kids? They're sort of in the same vein (though I think slightly better researched/regulated?) because it also involves elimination diets as part of the diagnosis and treatment. Would love to hear more if you have.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023Author

FODMAP issues can absolutely be real, though they can be hard to diagnose (and may be overdiagnosed) and VERY hard to accommodate in kids, since FODMAPs are found in so many foods. I don't know much beyond that, though. I really feel for parents who are navigating these issues!

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