Apr 23Liked by Melinda Wenner Moyer

The point about parents saying no appearing to be a sign of withdrawing love is revelatory to me. It makes so much sense when put that way.

I’m also laughing at the as adults we don’t have audible tantrums. Lol it pains me to admit it but I’ve definitely had a reciprocal meltdown behind closed doors 🤣

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One of my previous roles was on a medical team doing screenings with all families in the clinic, there was such deep relief from families with toddlers when we would talk about tantrums. Very helpful reminders about toddlerhood.

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Our doctor told us, a few years ago, that teens going through puberty encounter the same kind of turbulence as toddlers—a new stage, new abilities, wanting freedom plus hormones. It leads to tantrum-like behavior sometimes, he said, and we found he was kinda right. So thanks for this piece, it feels applicable to older kids too. lol

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Nothing to add, just that my threenager is in a tantrum-heavy phase right now and 🫠 is my most-used emoji

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A question for the more experienced parents and developmental experts in the “room”: When do tantrums stop happening/happen less? We are in a threenager phase at the moment, but I am starting to be able to explain more to my kiddo and she seems to understand. But not sure if/when this will translate to fewer freak outs….

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I love, love, love toddlers. Would I wish my children were toddlers again? No, thanks! Although I'm finding that I also love tweendom, too, so I'm whatever the parenting equivalent of a roller coaster enthusiast is! Things that were very helpful for me during the time that I had toddlers was exploring the idea of where I could create a yes environment and making lots of time for outdoor play or big muscle movement every day.

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never a single tantrum first-born was challenged by autism and the need for three hip procedures and many months in fetid hip spica casts They breastfed easily and were wonderfully cloth diapered in velcro diaper wraps until the surgeries started. They taught themself to read out of boredom with a mom who transcribed all day and night.

My kiddos spent time in homeless shelters, sleeping in the basements of churches. as long as they had library books.

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Great explanation!

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