So interesting to read this. My four year old had a lockdown drill two weeks ago, and I was freaking out. She was so excited to tell me about it.

"Today we got to practice being quiet and hiding. Somebody went to another classroom and asked if Orange Bees were there, but they said no and we all were very quiet to trick them so they didn't think we were there."

She was so proud they could "trick" the person into not thinking they were there. We left it at that and said I was really proud of her class for being good tricksters. It's such a difficult world to navigate sometimes.

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It's fascinating (in a sad way) that this thing that's touted by many school districts actually hasn't been studied that thoroughly. I roundabout asked my 9-year-old about the purpose of lockdown drills, and he also hadn't connected it to school shooters.

I remember when my daughter was in a special day class preschool at a local elementary school (her classroom was for kids with verbal difficulties, including kids with autism) her teacher pulled each parent aside and let them know about the upcoming lockdown drill and strongly advised some parents to keep their kids home that day. Their solution for most of the SDC kids was to bring them into a room with no outdoor access and have them watch a video. I hate how much of this responsibility is being put on teachers.

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