I personally really liked the newsletter where people shared stories of how they talked to their kids about the election. Since my daughter just turned 5 right before the election we didn’t talk about the election nearly as much as some families with older children (and my sister definitely had more conversations with my older nephew who’s almost 8 than she did with her 5 year old). I always like to see how other people handle difficult discussions.

I always feel like difficult conversations happen in the car where my daughter will ask me a question that I’m not at all prepared for, and I find myself carefully choosing what to say and trying not to say more than what she asked. One Sunday she hit me with a question about was it a baby that died or an embryo when you had miscarriages. She watched the episode of Magic School Bus where the embryo grows into a chicken enough now that I knew that’s why she asked and she wondered if it was the embryo that stopped growing (since my 3 miscarriages were first trimester losses, I told her that yes, out of the 4 times I have been pregnant, 3 times it was likely that something went wrong either with the embryo or with how it was implanting so that’s why my pregnancy with her was the only healthy one). My daughter always keeps me on my toes with her questions, so I try to do my best to explain things.

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Oh my gosh that's quite a question to get out of the blue!!! Sounds like you handled it very well though! Glad you didn't drive off the road, lol.

And thanks -- here's a link to that election thread for anyone who's curious: https://melindawmoyer.substack.com/p/how-have-you-talked-with-your-kids-450

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