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Oct 12, 2021
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Oh yes I do, and I love his explanation of how providing clear rules rather than banning the words outright also gives kids more autonomy/control, and we know kids love that! Thanks for sharing!

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I feel so seen and validated in my goddamn parenting!

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I am teaching my children that 1) there is a difference between a swear and a slur (i.e. one is an expression of discontent the other is an insult, and the difference is largely determined by context) and 2) there's a time and place for everything, including swears (I tell them saying dammit is like being naked, it's perfectly fine at home, but incredibly rude at school =D) My youngest is two and my oldest is almost five, and they both seem to accept this. Although the "only at home" concept took a few goes with my youngest, more because of his penchant for nudity than his love of the word "dammit," LOL!

Incidentally, did you know there have been studies that show that people who swear have larger vocabularies overall than people who don't. https://www.sciencealert.com/people-who-swearing-cursing-rude-words-better-vocabulary-science#:~:text=A%202015%20study%20found%20that,with%20which%20to%20express%20themselves. I like to point this out when people tell me my cursing is a sign of ignorance.

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My 5 year old daughter asked me what the F word was after seeing the part of A Christmas Story where he gets his mouth washed out and they change the word to fudge. She said she couldn’t remember what the actual f word was. When I told her, she just said, “Oh I guess I forgot- I won’t say it then” and changed topics.

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